Create awareness and promote Anti-Slavery in the form of a full page newspaper spread to males and females 25+.
SMP: Help stop the trafficking of women
Background: Hundreds of thousands of women are trafficked worldwide each year. Through deception, coercion and the threat or use of violence they are forced into slavery as domestic servants, in sweatshops, and sexual exploitation.
Despite there being victims of a serious human rights abuse, in most countries they are denied the help and protection they need. In many cases, they are deported to the countries and conditions, from which they were trafficked, only to be trafficked again.
Almost every country in affected by this modern-day slave trade - you can help make a difference.The objective is to drive interest to the wider issue as well as to the antislavery website where people can then take the appropriate steps to help.
- Human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor: a modern-day form of slavery
- Every year four million people are trafficked
- 80% of all trafficked humans are females
- 50% of all trafficked humans are kids
- According to UNICEF over 1.2 million minors are being trafficked each year around the world, majority aged 11 to 14.
- 80% of all trafficked humans are sold as sex slaves
- A sex slave will be forced to have sex up to 20 times a day, forced to have abortions, and often forced to take drugs to remain complicit.
- Trafficking has a global annual market of about $42.5 Billion
- It's the fasted growing criminal industry in the world
- Trafficking is prominent in the following countries on an astronomical scale: Africa, Canada, US, Colombia, Brazil, Japan, India, Thailand, Iraq, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Australia.
Strangely after flicking on Oprah on the 29th of July 2010 they had a journalist who was raising awareness on Human Trafficking. Here is a part of the show that was of interest telling the story of a young Cambodian girl and her experiences as a sex slave. (Narrated by Angelina Jolie). As we were not fully aware of this issue we thought that we would show this for everyone to achieve an insight into Human trafficking.
The well known movie Taken staring Liam Neeson portrays a story of Human Trafficking. Neeson plays a former Central Intelligence Agency paramilitary operative who sets about tracking down his teenage daughter after she is kidnapped by Albanian slave traders while traveling in France.
Awareness through print
A common way that is used to create awareness is through powerful imagery that strikes an emotive response.

Through extensive research we found that most awareness raising documents projected dramatic imagery to get the point across.
The following is a moving commercial to create awareness and try to put an end to human trafficking and slavery.
Our initial ideas were sparked from what we believed was representational of freedom including doves, butterflies being caged. These would represent the humans who live in the world and have the right for freedom but are trapped like animals in cages.
After discussing this initial idea we thought that this approach may not have a strong enough impact on the Australian public. People would have a stronger reaction if there were images of people in the anti slavery ad as they can relate more. Deciding to try and appeal to the public creating an emotional response was the new angle we went with.
We came up with three other ideas which would work. The first was the idea of using Polaroids, each displaying a photo of a woman. There were to be two or three that would be blank representing the ones that had been kidnapped or sold. The second idea was to be a comparison. Half of the girls face happy and dressed well enjoying life, the other half dark gloomy, beaten and sad to showing the repercussions and effects of slavery. The third was to appeal to the typical australian with a sporting team or group photo with a few females with sold stamped across their faces.
Sketches of ideas
Not being able to decide what one we would go with we decided to make mock ups of the three.
Variations of Idea #1
In this idea it was decided to include alarming facts with the imagery to make the audience more aware of the issue. The sold and for sale signs stamped all over the girls in the second variation seems to communicate a worthlessness of these human beings being sold, most people forget these are people just like us.
Idea #2
Variations of idea #3
The third mock up was to create an appeal and to co inside with Australias love of sport. This brings the big picture into reality by showing three out of ten girls are sold into slavery. It could happen to anyone, three of the ten people you play in a team with could be sold into slavery at any time.
Chosen Idea
Out of the three we decided to go with our first idea as we believed it had a greater mass appeal. The every day snaps make the image feel like it is common and creates the feeling of it could be anyone anytime anywhere that will be sold, people you know and love. The blank polaroids suggest that once they are sold they are gone and will never be the same person again, you will never know that person again. The strong text accompanies the idea displayed with imagery to make an even bigger dramatic impact. We believe the viewer is drawn in by the imagery and is compelled to read the text and this is why it works.